I Cannot Live Without You centres on a successful middle-aged executive addicted to his devices whose world falls apart when his wife demands a divorce and he signs up for an unusual therapy for cell phone addicts.
In this suspense drama, three men – Alex, Greger and Henrik – spend an extended weekend in a remote cabin, intending to hunt deep in the Swedish woods. Their plan is to go duck hunting on a lake and stalk deer in the woods. An initial spell of hunting success sharpens their instincts and stirs a sense of rivalry. But one day all animals vanish without a trace and the forest turns eerily quiet. Yet the men are determined to continue the hunt.
该剧融合了英国小说家Lewis Carroll 的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》和《镜中世界》两部作品。
10岁时,父亲的不辞而别让爱丽丝(卡特琳娜·斯柯松 Caterina Scorsone 饰)很难坚守并信赖一段感情。当男友杰克(菲利普·文切斯特 Philip Winchester 饰)将祖传好几代的订婚戒指摆在她面前时,爱丽丝再次临走脱逃。杰克离去时把戒指塞进了她的口袋,想归还戒指的爱丽丝恰巧目睹他被一群穿着讲究的神秘强盗绑架。爱丽丝跟随这群人穿越魔镜中的传送门,来到一个奇异的平行世界,那里被称作「奇境」。为了找回Jack,爱丽丝向疯疯癫癫的帽子先生(安德鲁·李·波兹 Andrew Lee Potts 饰)寻求帮助。。除了帽子先生之外,渡渡(蒂姆·克里 Tim Curry 饰)和白骑士(马特·弗里沃 Matt Frewer 饰)也是爱丽丝的得力帮手。
杰克(兰迪·韦恩 Randy Wayne 饰)和罗杰(小罗伯特·拜利 Robert Bailey Jr. 饰)相识于同年时代,两人是感情十分要好的好友,如今,就读于同一所高中,他们的处境却截然相反。杰克开朗帅气,拥有众多朋友,罗杰却沉默寡言,处处受人排挤。无法忍受校园欺凌的罗杰最终选择了结束自己的生命,伴随着他的死,杰克心中某些重要的东西碎裂了。