In this suspense drama, three men – Alex, Greger and Henrik – spend an extended weekend in a remote cabin, intending to hunt deep in the Swedish woods. Their plan is to go duck hunting on a lake and stalk deer in the woods. An initial spell of hunting success sharpens their instincts and stirs a sense of rivalry. But one day all animals vanish without a trace and the forest turns eerily quiet. Yet the men are determined to continue the hunt.
I Cannot Live Without You centres on a successful middle-aged executive addicted to his devices whose world falls apart when his wife demands a divorce and he signs up for an unusual therapy for cell phone addicts.
The summer of 1939, France and Provence, 14 year old boy Julian is infatuated with her cousin Julia, Julia and his family lived in a sm all hotel, unfortunately, she ignored him, because she is the cousin in several years. The guests of the hotel Charles, a shameful 20 year-old young people, regardless of their own was engaged at this girl, joined the competition game...