In Truman Kewley's disturbing psycho-thriller debut, a sociopathic amateur film-maker kidnaps the woman he wants to play his fantasy girlfriend role.
Desperate after losing her dream job in advertising, Alice starts a sexy webcam site with three friends. Successful from day one, the company expands so quickly that soon the women struggle to balance their relationships with family, friends, clients and one-another. What began as a quick and sexy way to earn some extra cash spirals out of control as they enter a world of dange...
Whicher is drawn into a high‐stakes case when Sir Edward Shore, the former Home Secretary comes to him with a delicate problem. His son, Charles has returned from India, post Mutiny, with his young family. Charles won’t be drawn on the circumstances but reveals an Indian man, Asim Jabour, has followed him to England and has used threating behaviour. Whicher agrees to try and fi...